SHNCPID FY2025 Proposed Budget Book

The SHNCPID Board is pleased to release its FY2025 Proposed Budget Book. The Budget Book is being made available for Southern Heights residents to review and provide the Board with their questions and feedback. Your participation will ensure that the Board has adequately considered your comments and questions as it finalizes and adopts the FY2024 Budget.

HOW TO READ THE BUDGET BOOK – The cover (first page) provides a general summary explanation of the budget. The FY2025 Proposed Budget is on second page.

A snapshot of the Budget Book is below and the full document can be accessed using this link => SHNCPID Proposed FY2025 Budget Book. When printing the full document, use legal size paper.

BUDGET PROCESS – The Budget Book will be posted for 15 days (until Dec 31, 2024). After Dec 31, 2024, the SHNCPID Board will hold a meeting to incorporate changes and adopt the final FY2025 budget. The meeting is open to the residents.

Your participation will ensure that the Board has adequately considered resident’s comments and questions when it finalizes and adopts the FY2025 Budget.

Please submit your feedback including comments or questions in one of the following ways – using the SHNCPID feedback form, emailing or calling Sheila Sims at or 225-978-7461.