When you putting out and removing your garbage, recycling carts or other items for pickup – PLEASE REMOVE LITTER on your property, from the street and from the storm drains!
EBR Parish and the Department of Environmental Services, offers the following options for garbage, recycling and out-of-cart trash removal.
- Curbside service – Garbage and Recycling collection services using official EBR carts and Out-of-Cart collection services (based on item types). Details are outlined below.
- Self-service garbage and trash drop-off at the North Landfill Operations and the Residential Non-Perishable Solid Waste Collection Facility.
- Self-service recycling drop-off using the Baton Rouge Recycling Facility.
- Year-round recycling of hazardous and household waste.
Curbside Service
Curbside service fees, including fees for having more than one garbage cart and one recycling cart, are billed as part of your water bill.
GARBAGE & RECYCLING SERVICE: Garbage and Recycling cart curbside service is contracted to Republic Services. Got questions on garbage and recycling collection? Call Customer Service at EBR Dept of Environmental Services at 225-389-5457, option 3 with any questions on garbage and recycling collections.
OUT-OF-CART SERVICE: Out-of-cart curbside service is contracted to Richards Disposal, Inc. Got questions on out-of-cart collection or need a quote for removal of items not picked up by EBR? Call Richards Disposal Customer service at 225-775-3084.
Missed Pickup Service OR Need a New Cart OR Replace a Damaged Cart? Call 311, Call 225-389-3090 (office) OR 225-389-2070 (after hours). Specific instructions will be provided for replacing damaged cart. NOTE: For Out-of-Cart missed pickups, please review the new out-of-cart guidelines (below) or call the Customer Service numbers (above) to know whether your service was missed OR your items are no longer being handled via EBR Parish curbside service. The 311 call center may lead you astray on your particular service request.
Southern Heights Curbside Pickup Schedule and general guidelines:
Curbside service fees, including fees for more than one garbage cart and more than one recycling cart, are billed as part of your water bill. There is NO pickup from vacant lots or homes w/o water meters. The curbside collection schedule is as follow:
- WEDNESDAY – Garbage Cart, Bulky Trash, Yard & Woody Waste, Bagged Leaves & Grass and Bulky Recyclables
- SATURDAY – Garbage Cart, Recycling Cart
New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day are holidays. If the holiday occurs on a collection day, then services will be provided on the next scheduled collection day unless residents are notified otherwise.

- Items must be placed either on the neutral ground or within the premises immediately adjacent to the street or sidewalk, and not less than five (5) feet from the travelled surface of streets when there are no curb or sidewalks.
- Set your cart and/or out of cart items at the curb from 4 pm on the day preceding the scheduled service day OR by 5 a.m. on the scheduled service day. NOTE: It is not considered a missed pickup if the cart is not in place by 5 a.m OR is blocked by a vehicle when the truck arrives.
- Curbside service runs from 5 am (earlier during extreme heat) until 8 pm.
things you need to know about garbage & carts and their contents
- Placing excessive out-of-cart trash in your garbage cart is discouraged. Your garbage cart may not be collected if it is too heavy, has visible out-of-cart trash items or has excessive weight.
- Keep the lids or covers of carts closed and securely fastened at all times so that flies, insects, dogs, cats, squirrels, rats, raccoons, opossums do not have access to the contents. Carts with lids propped open may not be serviced.
- Garbage in the EBR garbage cart should be placed in a closed kitchen or trash bag. Garbage collectors will only pick up trash that spills from a burst kitchen or trash bag. Garbage that spills from a grocery shopping bag or loose trash in a garbage cart will NOT be cleaned up by the service provider AND is the responsibility of the resident.
- Please DO NOT leave your carts on the curb after pickup. Per EBR Code of Ordinances (Section 6:238), No can or container shall be placed on the street or sidewalk or in any ditch along the street, nor shall any can or container be allowed to remain on the neutral ground or other place for collection except between the hours from 4:00 p.m. the day preceding the scheduled pickup and 6:00 a.m. the day after the pickup. Owners can be fined from $125 – $500 for violations.
things you need to know about recycling carts and their contents
- Recyclables should be placed in the EBR recycling cart.
- EMPTY & RINSE metal cans, plastic containers & glass.
- Keep the lids or covers of carts closed and securely fastened at all times so that flies, insects, dogs, cats, squirrels, rats, raccoons, opossums do not have access to the contents. Carts with lids propped open may not be serviced.
- Please DO NOT leave your carts on the curb after pickup. Per EBR Code of Ordinances (Section 6:238), No can or container shall be placed on the street or sidewalk or in any ditch along the street, nor shall any can or container be allowed to remain on the neutral ground or other place for collection except between the hours from 4:00 p.m. the day preceding the scheduled pickup and 6:00 a.m. the day after the pickup. Owners can be fined from $125 – $500 for violations.

Please DO NOT store your garbage & recycling carts at the front of your house.
DO NOT put your garbage, recycling or trash in vacant lots or in commercial waste dumpsters. That is Illegal Dumping and against the law.
things you need to know about OUT-OF-CART trash collection

NOTE: Only 4 tires per household per year can be picked up (per LA DEQ limits)
Options when you have too many out of cart items (more than 10) OR too many out of cart item types (more than 3):
- For more than 10 bagged items, you can pay an extra $5-10 fee per bag (based on bag size).
- Ask your neighbor to put some of your out of cart items at their curb.
- Place your out of cart items at your curb over several weeks.
Options when you have out of cart items that will not be picked up by EBR
- Drop them off at the North Landfill, if allowed. See North Landfill Operations on this page for more information.
- Contact the EBR’s contracted out-of-cart vendor, Richards Disposal, at 225-775-3084 for a quote and pay for the items to be removed.
- Contact a trash removal services firm for a quote and pay for the items to be removed.
Drop off Garbage & Trash at the North Landfill Operations or the Residential Non-Perishable Solid Waste Collection Facility
North Landfill
Free for East Baton Rouge Parish residents to bring their garbage and trash with proof of residence, such as a driver’s license or utility bill.
LOCATION/HOURS/PHONE: 16001 Samuels Road (off Hwy 61) Zachary, LA 70791. Monday through Friday (5:30 am and 5 pm) Saturday (7 am to 3 pm) Closed on Sunday, New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Phone: 225-389-5813.
Summary of materials accepted/not accepted are below. Click for North Landfill & Waste Acceptance Rules. Click for Tipping Fee Schedule.
Accepted Materials Summary | Materials Not Accepted Summary |
Residential solid waste Commercial solid waste Bulky recyclables (automobile tires; white goods – refrigerators, freezers, stoves, water tanks, washing machines; artificial Christmas trees; lawnmowers & trimmers) | Demolition debris Contractor debris Trees or large parts of trees Plumbing debris Roofing Automobile parts Hazardous waste PCB contaminated materials exceeding TSCA Limit Asbestos contaminated materials Liquid solid waste Industrial solid waste |
Residential Non-Perishable Solid Waste Collection Facility (New)
Free for East Baton Rouge Parish residents to use the self-service collection facility with proof of residence, such as a driver’s license or utility bill, before waste can be unloaded.
SELF-SERVICE ONLY. Loads must be transported in pick-up trucks, passenger vehicles and/or small trailers. NO DUMP TRAILERS. Loads must be manually unloaded into roll-off containers. Waste must fit in roll-off containers. You must pick up all debris that falls from your load. Site attendant may direct residents to the East Baton Rouge Parish North Landfill for disposal depending on space constraints and the size of the vehicle.
LOCATION: 7900 Starwood Court, Baton Rouge, LA 70820. HOURS: Monday – Friday 7 am- 3 pm |
Summary of materials accepted/not accepted are below. Click for Collection Facility rules and waste acceptance.
Accepted Materials | Materials Not Accepted |
Household bulky waste (furniture, bicycles, and toys) Scrap metal Drained automobile parts Tree trimmings and yard waste (with restrictions) Homeowner-generated construction debris (limited quantities) | Perishable household garbage (food waste, dead animals) Commercial/industrial solid waste White goods/Appliances (refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, water heaters, or air conditioners) Electronic waste (TVs, stereos, and game consoles) Medical waste Tires Hazardous materials |
Drop-Off Recycling
LOCATION /HOURS/PHONE: BATON ROUGE RECYCLING 7923 Tom Dr. Baton Rouge, LA 70806. Open seven days a week and 24 hours a day. Assistance provided(when needed). Monday-Friday, 8 am-5 pm. Phone: 225-963-9170
Year Round Household Hazardous Materials Recycling Drop off
In addition to the year round drop off sites below, EBR Parish holds an Household Hazardous drop off twice per year (spring & fall) at a central location. These drop-off events have a broader list of materials that can be dropped off for FREE by EBR residents. Watch for the announcements of the events.